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Review of the Yearn.Global (YG) Multi Chain DeFi project

 Hi everyone ... I am here to inform you all by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called Yearn.Global, so for that, consider the article I created below to give you an overview of this project and how this project has a very good and attractive offer for everyone.


MultiChain technology is a stage that encourages customers to create specific private blockchains that can be used by associations for budget exchange. MultiChain provides us with a basic API and an order line interface. This helps protect and tune circuits. Blockchain vulnerabilities must be effectively maintained at all times within the selected participants to avoid confusion in order to guarantee the security and authority of the exchange. The path to mining must be made possible more safely by verifying the work, as well as the associated costs. However, this blockchain model only executes approved entries for participants in this chain. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a development where decentralized organizations are used to turn old money-related elements into unreliable and simple agreements that work without intermediaries.

What is Yearn.Global?

Yearn.Global (YG) is a standalone multi-chain DeFi company. Once shipped, it will support exchanging, staking, and farming, DEX at one stage. Pool is configured to give high rewards and APY.

YG Token, a local icon of the company Yearn.Global Defi, focuses on growing crops and in addition to improving the biological system for Yearn.Global as a trade, Your Token YG, will become a local trade token. Our users will have the option to place bets in digital currencies such as ETH, USDT, YFI, YFII, DAI and YG to buy YG tokens as a reward, depending on the funding fee and the amount shown. The pool is customizable, so our clients will receive high rewards and APY.

Yearn.Globa features:

Staking and Agricultural Products

Three unique batches will be created for our clients to develop and receive gifts.

Swimming pools such as:

  1. YG Pool: YG is our company's local brand. Investors can deposit YG in this pool and receive attractive prizes for their properties. The base will contain 20% of the prize distribution.
  2. YG / ETH liquidity pool: Designed for YG liquidity providers. The full distribution of remuneration for this pool is 15%.
  3. YG DeFi Bundles: A collection where holders can store major DeFi tokens such as YFI, YFII, Comp, Cream, etc. All prize payouts for this pool are 15%.
  • EXCHANGE: Stage Multichain Exchange. ERC and TRC Blockchain will be available at launch. Various blockchains will be added later.
  • DEX: Multichain DEX for decentralized exchange for various blockchains. Delivery is expected within 2 months from the pre-sale product delivery date.
  • 4. Storage: Win high credit fees for storing tokens in our vault in the form of stored tokens and additional prizes in the form of YG / xYG tokens.
  • 5. Loans / Loans: Users can receive selected tokens with attractive and low interest rates. More subtlety after sending administration.

Soon, our job is to present our YG tokens in local money. YG tokens will allow our clients to receive compensation by growing them in our pool, which has been specially created to give our clients amazing gifts.

ERC20, TRC20 and BEP20 tokens will be available and available for storage with high rewards and APY. The absolute designation of half of the prize in the form of YG tokens will be paid regardless of the APY generated. This allows customers to purchase interest in their local stablecoin token along with a 10% share of the YG token.

Token Information

Largest Supply: 50,000 Total
Supply: 25,000 (11500 Tokens embedded with Team.finance)
20,000 YG Tokens to print as gifts.


Presale: 11,475 YG (including private agreement)
Uniswap: 5,000 YG
Group / Development: 1,500 YG
Demo: 2025 YG (including Airdrop and Bounty tokens)

Yearn.Global is trying to negotiate with significant cross-link liquidity providers to offer a decentralized exchange. DEX will be available in late December 2020. In addition to the significant networks that will be available, Yearn.Global plans to.

Global plans to supply the following tokens in the future which will be 100% sponsored by native resources:
  • yUSD / yEUR / yGBP: USD / EUR / GBP Sponsored Stable Coins will be used at the YG stage for betting and exchange.
  • YETH: A token sponsored by ETH to facilitate trading on the YG platform.
  • yBTC: ERC20 and TRC20 tokens are supported by BTC.
  • yGLD: Gold sponsored ERC20 and TRC20 tokens.


The most important thing to remember is that every exchange takes place in the Ethereum organization using smart contracts. After delivery, YG will immediately start supporting tokens that depend on the Tron blockchain. More blockchains like EOS will be added in the not too distant future, with stakes, growth and trade. To provide liquidity for our funds, YG will form associations with cross-chain liquidity providers such as Wanchain, Komodo to control their cross-chain atomic exchanges.

Author: dey90
ETH Wallet: 0x5c582DE6968264f1865C63DD72f0904bE8e3dA4a

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