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Edgecoin - Bet Edgecoin now to receive 34% Gradecoin DeFi Fluctuation

Hello everyone... Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called Edgecoin, so for that, have a look at the article I created below to give you a very good overview of the project, then Benefits what do they give everyone? Let's go straight to the discussion below.

Education has always been one of the main indicators of an educated person who, after graduating from a higher education institution, could use the acquired knowledge for the entire period, as well as find a decent job in the specialty. People from ancient times instilled the value of education, which was originally passed from mouth to mouth, then formed a small flow, then the school, and after all grew into large Institutions and Universities, where every person who craves knowledge had the opportunity to get them in full.


It’s true that a great majority of countries, in recent years, have been leaning towards a model in which an increased share of tertiary education costs is paid for by students and their families, either by direct tuition fees or by loan mechanisms allowing students to pay once they graduate. In opting for this approach, in a context of limited public resources, the assumption from policy makers has been that a share of the tertiary education costs could be paid by families with more economic possibilities in order to make it affordable to the ones with limited resources. However, the devil is in the details. For instance, in many cases, a clear link between additional revenues for institutions and corresponding increased resources to support underprivileged students has yet to be firmly established.

In addition to this, we should take into consideration that there are a variety of factors transcending the mere simple policy decision that’s just about tuition fees. This includes, for instance, the role of politics in influencing government policies on tertiary education.

About the project

The project which will be discussed today is called - Edgecoin is an Educational Stable Coin that provides an open payment system for educational institution

Edgecoin is the world's first Educational Stable Coin that gives an open portion system to an enlightening establishment where individuals can make tutoring related trades, for instance, enrollment charges, accommodation, books and all informative spending through a decentralized application to be settled at a comparable speed as the Internet while using the preparation structure, rule and sufficiency of standard cash measure structures.

How to work?

3 Payment Solution:
1.Install and Register Edgecoin through our App.
2.Purchase your Edgecoins from the App.
3.Use your Edgecoins insightfully.
You thusly get Gradecoin while holding Edgecoin, a fluctuating coin on the DeFi market. Because of the gigantic interest and interest in this undertaking, we are expecting a 10x for now and the possibility of a 100x over a more broadened time interval.

How Does Gradecoin Staking Works?

  1. Interface your wallet through Metamask, using either Chrome, Edge, or Firefox programs. Safari and Opera programs are not suitable with Metamask and will not work.
  2. Pick the coins you should store and begin checking inside Edgecoin.
    3.Get your W-Edge coins followed with your Gradecoins arranged to your wallet that you made to store on.

What are the benefits of Staking Pool?

  • Entering exactly on schedule into our Liquidity Staking Pool grants you to stake Gradecoin before the critical exchange postings.
  • When going into our Liquidity Staking Pool early, you get the prizes of subsequently getting into our fluctuating DeFi token, and get 34% of Gradecoin at 0.20.
  • An early section constructs the proportion of Gradecoins you can stake against Edgecoins before the critical exchange postings

Why Choose Us

  • Instant Transactions
  • The World's First Educational Stable Coin
  • Global System and Secure
  • Automatically Stake Gradecoin while holding Edgecoin
  • Reduced Costs

Edgecoin works with the usage of DeFi through the radiant blockchain network. Defi offers the opportunity to give fair induction to various financial organizations and enjoys various benefits including "Yield Farming" which licenses monetary sponsor to get and advance their computerized types of cash at much higher rates than the obsolete standard monetary structure. Moreso, the structure's attracted out vision is to work with the game plan of a protected and clear shared portion system for the informative foundation. By bringing a strong blockchain game plan into guidance, more people will without a doubt see the worth in the decentralized cash brought to the table, and the straightforwardness of this structure would serve to chip away at their appeal towards various pieces of decentralized cash.


Token Name : Edgecoin
Ticker : EDGT
Kind of Token : Stable Coin
EDGT Value : 1 USD
Supply Max : 10,000,000,000
Most Stablecoins are associated with the value of their looking at fiat cash. For the present circumstance, the Edgecoin Stablecoin is associated with the most secure money which is the U.S. dollar at an extent of 1:1. Thusly, 1 Edgecoin = 1 dollar.


Edgecoin is also familiar with the advantage of education foundations only to repay typically committed in spits reducing costs and let alone provide courses that can be obtained. This is possible through the "Acquire When You Learn" feature that comes because mining is modified from Gradecoin, fluctuating tokens. By being done with a magnificent blockchain covered, Edgecoin and other related DAPPs customers will see value in a very fast and truly safe financial portion system from the comfort of their cellphones. An extraordinary blockchain will relatively allow the foundation of education to get constant financial trade without necessity for agents and completion of further costs regardless of medium people.


Q1 2017

  • Project Idea

Q2/Q3 2017

  • Project topic research

Q4 2017

  • Start proof of concept development on Private
  • Network

Q1 2020

  • White Paper & Web App
  • Development

Q2 2020

  • Smart Contract & Token creation on
  • Stellar Network

Q2 2021

  • Launching Edgecoin
  • Mobile App.


Edgecoin (abbreviated symbol EDGT) has one native token called Gradecoin (abbreviated symbol GRTC). Gradecoin is the fuel token for the realization of Edgecoin network resource control, with a maximum total limit of 10 billion. There is no minimum unit of GDRT and the token can be subdivided. In the Stellar blockchain where Edgecoin runs, 10 billion EDGT's are generated, Gradecoin has not yet been generated. 10 billion GRTC, corresponding to the 10 Billion EDGT's will be generated through an investment plan where a yearly payout of different percentages will be given based on the purchase amount of Edgecoin. If EDGT is transferred to a new address, the subsequent GRTC generated will be credited to the new address. When a large number of spam transactions occur, Edgecoin can be used to priorities transactions and smart contracts with qualified identity. Transactions and smart contracts with no qualifying digital identities can get priority by paying GRTC.

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